
アドバンスコンサル行政書士事務所(国際法務事務所)は、ビザ、在留資格、入国管理局手続き、国際結婚、帰化申請、永住ビザ申請、オーバーステイの在留特別許可申請、逮捕者の仮放免申請、上陸特別許可申請など 2

2022.7.9 i went to hiratsuka tanabata star festival. : God has punished the couple. The two were separated on both banks of the Milky Way. But God allowed them to meet once a year. That is July 7th. by advanceconsul immigration lawyer office(アドバンスコンサル行

2022.7.9 i went to hiratsuka tanabata star festival. : God has punished the couple. The two were separated on both banks of the Milky Way. But God allowed them to meet once a year. That is July 7th. by advanceconsul immigration lawyer office(アドバンスコンサル行政書士事務所